Thursday, September 5, 2013

Taxation Without Organization

The last couple of months I have been super organized. Which is totally not a bad thing. 

I'm taking a total of 25 credit hours this semester, so I definitely have to be at the top of my game - like all the time. In most cases, this requires waking up earlier and a higher Starbucks bill, but you'll sleep better at night.  

I've also found that I spend more time writing my to-do lists, check lists, and organizing myself than actually doing these tasks. I think that's how it's supposed to be...with some exceptions. 

Because of my new found love of hardcore organization, I carry a lot less stress. I find myself being tired at a decent time, sleeping better, and waking up feeling more productive every single day. Who DOESN'T want to feel like this?! It's quite satisfying! 

My biggest problem― I forget to eat and go the bathroom. *sigh* It's the little things in life...

Since I am becoming more organized and writing things down all the time, I am giving myself the privilege to say...I'm officially growing up. I no longer have to wonder "what I want to be when I grow up" because I am currently morphing myself into that person every single day! Super exciting what organization can do for you, isn't it? 

Being stressed out and procrastinating is a thing of my past. It's incredibly taxing on your mind, body, and soul; and it's absolutely not worth a single bit of anyone's time. But once you are organized, ahhh....the tranquility...

Here are some of my best practices for organizing: 

  • Write absolutely EVERYTHING you need to get done no matter how mundane or menial the task. 
  • Have multiple types of lists for all different aspects of your life. 
  • Try At-A-Glance and Erin Condren planners (they've saved my life), dry-erase boards, Post-It's, and unnecessary amounts of highlighting. 
  • Your brain will love you for using a color-coding system.
  • PRIORITIZE! If it has a due date, DO IT FIRST! Don't wait until the last minute and risk the irritability and stress. No one likes you when you're like that, and a Snickers bar won't work for this. 
  • Make a to-do list, and a today-list. Prioritizing is involved here too!
  • Schedule time for the bathroom, food, sleep, friends & family, and beer. 
I've noticed myself not wasting as much time, and I spend my time more wisely since it's become so incredibly valuable (more on that soon). 

What are some of your best practices for organizing your life? I'm always willing to try something new! 

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